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We come together at the beginning of worship, recognizing how complicated our lives are, how great our need for God is, and our inability to live apart from God.  We are called to worship in a new and relevant way each week before we confess our sins and receive the promise of forgiveness.


We sing songs of praise and we gather together to hear the Word of God found in the Bible.  Pastor Dan shares a sermon that bridges the gap from the Word written more than 2000 years ago to the Word proclaimed today in a multi-cultural 21st Century North American context.  We share the words of our faith using ancient creeds and pray for ourselves, the church, our community, and the world.


Each and every week we gather around the Table of the Lord to receive the Lord's Supper, Holy Communion, or Eucharist.  Here we receive the promises of forgiveness, are strengthened for the work we are called to do, and receive the Body and Blood of Jesus.  We believe that this is the Lord's Table and we are not gatekeepers - all are welcome at the Christ's Table.  Gluten-free wafers, red wine, and white grape juice are availabe.


At the conclusion of worship, we are sent out into the world to live as God's faithful people, sharing the love of God with all we encounter.  We receive a blessing and a charge before singing triumphantly as we depart to love and serve God and neighbor.

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Worship is at the heart

of who we are









Faith is Fun Night - Tuesdays at 5:30pm

A little bit different with interactive, multi-generational worship.  We start with a meal at 5:30pm and have a short worship at 6:00pm.

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